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Narrow Squats for Quad Gainz!💪🏻

Do you ever squat with a wide stance? With your toes out? This stance can be effective at moving “the most” weight possible, over the shortest possible distance, but this is possibly the worst thing you can do for targeting both Quad strength and muscular development.

With a wide stance, we tend to see a more “perpendicular to the floor” shin angle, which encourages the hips to move BACK. Again, great for Glute development, but not so much for the QUADS. 👎🏻

So WHY do so many people want to naturally assume a wide Squat stance? The answer is simple: they lack ankle mobility!

With the “Heels Elevated Narrow Squat” we can reduce the demand on the ankle joint, while still creating a high level of knee flexion, which is necessary for optimal Quad recruitment. 🔥

This is a beautiful thing, as we have greatly reduced the need to have above average ankle mobility to Squat with a narrow stance and upright torso.

Here are a few quick pointers when performing this awesome Squat variation:

▶️ Squat DOWN, not BACK. This will increase the degree of knee flexion, and since the primary role of the Quad is to extended the knee, with the hips as EXTENDED as possible, this will also minimize the degree of hip flexion.

▶️ Like Fat Joe says, “Lean Back” with the upper body, particularly out of the bottom, when the temptation is greatest to “cheat” and get those hips more into it. By actively reminding yourself to lean back a touch, you will go a long way and maximizing Quad recruitment by staying upright.

▶️ Try to do this with an Anterior (front side of your body) load. This will also reduce the urge to “tip” forward.

▶️ Push through your MID foot NOT your heel. We want LEG drive here, not HIP drive, so another benefit that the wedge provides is we can place ourselves in a good position to press through the mid foot WHILE maintaining stability, provided by the wedge itself.

Check out Metabolic Liverpool (Cuse is in the House, Oh My God!) Studio Manager Alyssa O’Connor really FIGHTING that fight on her working set today with the 97lb kettlebell…way to walk that walk! 😎 🍊

#quads #legs #squats #cuseisinthehouse

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